R & D

- A. Djorđević, M. Ličanin, and D. Ćirić, “Construction, calibration, evaluation of spherical microphone array and its application for beamforming", In Proceedings of the INTERNOISE 2016 (on CD). Hamburg, Germany 2016, paper 0514.
- Marko Ličanin, Dejan Ćirić, Ana Đorđević, “Spheriacl microphone array with 32 sample points in a open sphere configuration”, Technical solution – laboratory prototype, Univerzity of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, number: 07/10-015/15-001, Niš, 17. 09. 2015
- M. Ličanin, A. Djordjević and D. Ćirić, “Design and Realization of Spherical Microphone Array with 32 Sample Points”, 1st IcETRAN International Conference, on CD-ROM AKI 1.3, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 2-5, 2014.
- D. Ćirić, A. Đorđević, M. Ličanin, “ Analysis of Effects of Spherical Microphone Array Physical Parameters Using Simulations”, Facta Univ. Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 26, No. 2, August 2013, pp. 107-119
- M. Ličanin, A. Djorđević and D. Ćirić, "Analysis of Spherical Microphone Array Using Simulations", In Proceedings of the INTERNOISE 2013 (on CD). Innsbruck, Austria 2013, paper 0514.
- M. Jelenković, D. Ćirić, M. Ličanin, J. Zdravković, A. Djorđević: “Implementation of digital audio effects using DSP development kit”, 19. Telecommunication forum TELFOR 2011, on CD-ROM, Belgrade 2011.
- A. Djordjević, M. Ličanin, B. Cvetković “Calculation of LPC coefficients using DSP TMS320C5510” 4th Student projects Conference. IEEESTEC, pp.89-93, Niš, 2011.
- M. Ličanin, A. Djordjević, and M. Jelenković “Sensitivity of Impulse Response Measurements with Maximum Length Sequences and Sweeps”, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), pp.567-570, Niš, June 29 – July 1, 2011.
- M. Jelenković, D. Ćirić, M. Ličanin and A. Djordjević “Repeatability of Room Impulse Response Measurement”, 55th ETRAN Conference, on CD-ROM AK2.7, Banja Vrućica, June 6-9, 2011.
- A. Djordjević, M. Jelenković and M. Ličanin, “Research of Latency in Measurement of Impulse Response of Room as Acoustical System”, 3rd Student projects Conference. IEEESTEC, pp.81-85, Niš, 2010.

From R&D to production
The following products have been successfully implemented into serial production:
- Soundproofing systems for walls: MUTE SYSTEM 20, MUTE SYSTEM 30, MUTE SYSTEM35, MUTE SYSTEM 23, MUTE SYSTEM 33, MUTE SYSTEM 63
- Soundproofing systems for ceilings: C-MUTE SYSTEM, C-MUTE SYSTEM 23, C-MUTE SYSTEM 33, C-MUTE SYSTEM 63
- Soundproofing system for floors: F-MUTE SYSTEM
- Industrial chevron louver silencers - DECIBEL АL, DECIBEL LW
- Perforated acoustic panels - ACER, CIRCULO, WAVO, DOMINO

"June 2nd, Sofia - PR - Bulgarian company DECIBEL have received the long-awaited news that their patent application for (what is believed to be) the most durable insulation material so far to be invented was accepted after 3 years of experiments, research, tests and preparation for patent entry.
The approved patent papers acknowledge that this revolutionary new sheet, made of 100% environmentally friendly raw materials is 100% biodegradable. It is known to enrich the soil once discarded.
This innovative new product provides excellent sound insulation and sound absorption making it an excellent product to prevent noise transmission through walls, as well as improving reverberation within a room. It comes in the form of a hard panel that has natural characteristics of high air and vapour permeability and has fungicidal properties.
Its thermal insulation properties are comparable to those of Styrofoam, its sound insulation properties are comparable with Mineral Wool or Acoustic foam, its vapour permeability is similar to mineral wool but it is not hygroscopic (unlike most insulation materials) and it is extremely difficult to break, making it an ideal construction material. The product is non- flammable with class A - reaction on fire, making it a perfect material for contemporary construction needs.
DECIBEL has advised that this innovative product can be glued to external and internal surfaces (walls & ceilings) and can be laid on top of under-floor thermal insulation. Customers can choose to buy this material as self-coloured – it is suitable to use as a sub-base for plaster, alternatively it can be supplied painted to any RAL colour of the customers’ choosing, allowing it to be used as a finished surface. Decibel have explained that this product can be glued to the exterior and interior surfaces (walls, ceilings and directly to under-floor insulation materials.
The company is currently keeping some details of this innovative product confidential: Product brand name; Size of sheets; Pricing. But confirms that samples are currently being evaluated by building regulators in Germany and Austria.
So far, the company has not disclosed the composition of this new invention other than advising that most of the elements are sourced from Europe and are 100% renewable.
Production is already under-way within the DECIBEL factory in Botevgrad, Bulgaria but the company mentioned that a new factory is to be built, especially for their new invention.
DECIBEL is currently fulfilling a test order of 500 m2 to be used as a heat, noise and vapour barrier in a private car park in Vienna.
And interest in the product and the company has been expressed by several investment funds in the United States, Germany and Bulgaria.
DECIBEL has promised to provide more information about the worldwide premiere and launch of this new innovative material, after which it will be immediately available on the market."